So, anyway... Does anyone out there think booze is bad? Cos I know quite a few people who really don't... And I REALLY don't...
I know there are obviously lots of people out there who don't drink, and that's their choice, that's fine by me, but has anyone else been accosted by someone trying to get them to stop? I remember my friend Kate and I were in a pub once, and this random woman came up to us and started telling us how evil alcohol was... I don't think either of us knew what to do, we just kind of sat there nodding until she went away. Whether she was once an alcoholic who had given it up, and therefore didn't want to see other people ruining their lives, or whether she was some sort of crazy cat lady I guess we'll never know. If it's any comfort to anyone, we carried on drinking till we'd forgotten all about her. Don't worry, we are NOT traumatised.
I don't think drink is too bad in moderation (or in copious amounts, really), it's people who wake up and have a breakfast Vodka that I could never understand. But by the same token, these people have a problem, so who am I to judge at the end of the day. If the only way these people can cope is by being constanly intoxicated, then they should probably get help of some sort. I'm pleased to say that I'm not an alcoholic (yet... ), I drink for recreation... Which I shouldn't, according to CCL (Crazy Cat Lady) but at least it's only in moderation. Most nights.
But, of course, joking aside, there are problems with alcohol. The obvious ones being:
- Liver damage
- Other organ damage
- Drink drivers
- Rape, street fights etc
- Drinks being spiked.
Most things can be avoided, of course, by drinking less than an entire... er... paddling pool... of alcohol, and the inevitable "DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!" message plastered on every single motorway board from here to Zimbabwe, but they can't be eliminated completely. Drinks being spiked is of course what every girl fears on a night out, but drinking from bottles whilst keeping your thumb over the top (Whilst you're not drinking, obviously, otherwise you'd get very thirsty) is always sensible. But I'm not here to give you advice, I'm here to moan that drink is EVIL! (Pfft, Hypocrite...)
I... I can't do it... I can't say booze is awful.. Not when I love it so... However, as a scare tactic, you can find statistics about the number of alcohol related deaths on this website:
Over and out.

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