Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Field Trip.

Let's go to... er....

Ooh, let's take it literally, and go to a field! One where they grow BOOZE!

Wow. I want a booze field. Make me one!

Is a booze field just a pub with a bunch of plants? Or a bunch of plants with a pub? Or... Yeah, I think I should stop. *brain expolodes*

Anyways, I think we should go to a pub, and truly examine the badness (yes, badness. What? It is SO a word!) of alcohol. By getting very VERY drunk, then complaining about how BAD we feel the next morning. (See what I did there? See what I did? =D)

Or, we could go to a tattoo parlour and examine.... Stuff, in preparation for week 8, about tattoos and body piercing. We could make someone get a tattoo and see if they feel badderer (ALSO a word.) afterwards....


We could do none of those things, which is more likely.

Over and out.


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