Thursday, 8 March 2007

Infidelity. A posh word for being a cheating git.

Infidelity, or cheating, to you and I, was the topic of the week five lecture. For starters, just to help get your brain going, I encourage people to look at the results of this survey to see how many people, on average have cheated:!&id=549915 The first discussion (or debate, as it more turned into...) was about what aspects of 'being bad' were involved. The final list included:

  • Lying,
  • Scheming/Calculating,
  • Using another's vulnerabilities to one's own advantage,
  • Hypocrisy,
  • Keeping up appearances/Wearing a facade,
  • Selishness,
  • Risk taking.
So that's quite a lot of being bad, really, isn't it?

There was also a discussion (again, read argument) about whether in some circumstances cheating was acceptable. There were arguments that if the partner knew that their er.... partner... was being unfaithful, it wasn't quite so bad. This is presumabl because they can then turn around and say "Well it's not like you didn't know" or something along those lines. But by the same token, is that not rubbing it in their face a bit? Sort of "Heh heh, not only have I got you, but I've got ANOTHER one on the go, cos you're not enough." That would, in truth, make me feel pretty shite. But knowing that someone had been going behind my back for months would also makeme feel shite. And also stupid for not noticing, but that would, I guess, in part be my own fault....

Man, it's a confusing topic. Which makes me grateful that I've never been tempted to cheat. Or never been cheated on. Except once. But he was an idiot.

Anyways, I gotta go before my head explodes...

Over and out.


1 comment:

Jess88 said...

Hi there Meg, how are you? I'm hoping ur head hasn't exploded otherwise I'll have no one to sit by in English. Selfishness, as displayed above, another form of being bad! Anyway, I agree that this is a very confusing topic. We're all expected to be faithful when it's not in our nature to do so. I don't know. If someone cheated on me I hate to think what I'd do. Yet when I've done it (yes I know, bad me!) I don't see it as a big deal. I still like whoever
I'm with but it's just a bit of fun! Anyhow, bye!